Use #
for headers:
# H1 Header
## H2 Header
### H3 Header
#### H4 Header
##### H5 Header
###### H6 Header
Italic and bold text:
*Italic text*
**Bold text**
***Bold and italic***
Unordered and ordered lists:
- Unordered item
- Nested item
- Another item
1. Ordered item
2. Second item
1. Nested ordered item
Adding links and images:
[Link text](
![Alt text](image_url)
Inline code and code blocks:
`Inline code`
// Code block
console.log('Hello, world!');
Create blockquotes:
> This is a blockquote.
Add a horizontal rule:
Create tables:
| Column 1 | Column 2 |
| -------- | -------- |
| Row 1 | Data |
| Row 2 | Data |
Add footnotes (if supported):
Here is a footnote reference[^1].
[^1]: Footnote content.